What is Bio Cremation?
When funeral planning, today’s consumers are faced with a variety of choices. Eco-friendly or traditional burial? Cremation or interment? Pre-plan package or funeral insurance? All these choices mean that there can be a large research component when it comes to making decisions—especially if you’re looking for something that is unique, cost-effective, or better for the planet.
One option that is all three of these things is Bio Cremation, a patented technology that “cremates” the body without the use of flame. Instead of relying on fire to break down the body to its most basic elements, this process uses a blend of water and a specialized alkali solution. The body is placed inside a pressurized cremation chamber, and the water solution and heat (up to 350 degrees Fahrenheit) are added to break the body down.
At first, this process might seem a little high-tech and frightening—it is far removed from the gentle decomposition of the body into the earth or even the more traditional funeral pyre. However, it’s important to remember that most of the funeral industry today is highly specialized and dependent on modern technology. Embalming, though an art that spans the centuries, requires special equipment and materials that can replace all the body fluids with a chemical compound. Cremation is equally science-based, done in a small chamber where strict temperature controls oversee the entire event.
Why Bio Cremation?
Bio Cremation is believed to be one of the most earth-friendly processes for the disposal of a body. Burial typically requires putting heavy metals and woods in to the earth, while traditional cremation releases gas into the atmosphere. Bio Cremation, on the other hand, reduces the body to water and potassium hydroxide (and bone fragments, which don’t break down).
Because it is such a natural and organic process, there are more restrictions when it comes to the body being placed into the cremation chamber. For example, only protein-based materials can remain on the body, which limits you to clothing made of silk, wool, or leather. Many families opt for a silk robe that helps preserve decency while also staying true to this eco-burial alternative.
The creators of Bio Cremation also work hard to make the process as easy on grieving families as possible, which means you can still opt for traditional services (like a memorial gathering, body viewing in a rented casket, or even a final interment of the bones into a grave or columbarium) that help you move through your grief.
Choosing Bio Cremation
Bio Cremation is still a new and evolving process, and it can’t be found everywhere. If this is an option you’re interested in pursuing, you will need to make advance arrangements and determine the pros and cons ahead of time.
While funeral planning is never easy or enjoyable, burial alternatives like Bio Cremation allow you to take control over your life—and your death—in a way that fits with your worldview. It isn’t for everyone, but if you like new technologies and want to reduce your impact on the planet, it might be right for you.
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