Funeral Flower Colors and Their Meanings

Funeral Flower Colors and Their Meanings

Funeral Flower Colors and Their Meanings

Although there tend to be rules regarding the color of your funeral attire (dark is best, with black, gray, and navy blue taking the lead), funeral flowers are more relaxed in terms of color choice. As long as you keep the arrangement tactful, you can send any other combination of colors you choose—and to put more thoughtfulness in your sympathy gift, you can even consider these popular flower colors and their meanings.

  • Pink Funeral Flowers: Pink is used to send messages of innocence, love, and femininity. Colorful while also being soothing, pink flowers in a funeral are a good way to show a sweet, lasting love that reaches beyond the grave.
  • Red Funeral Flowers: Typically reserved for romantic love, red flowers signify passion and desire. In a funeral setting, they can be used to demonstrate the depth of your affection and to send a more powerful message than a pastel color might.
  • Orange and Yellow Funeral Flowers: Bright colors like yellow and orange capture feelings of happiness, joy, and warmth. To send a message of sunshine and hope, stick to these cheerful favorites.
  • Green Funeral Flowers: Green flowers (or leafy displays) tend to symbolize a harmonious balance with nature. If you would like to emphasize the circle of life and the continuity of your affection, green funeral flowers might be a good fit.
  • Blue and Purple Funeral Flowers: Blue and purple flowers rarely work in any setting except for a funeral one. Popular because they signify serenity and sympathy, they are also soothing in ways that brighter, more vibrant funeral flowers are not.
  • White Funeral Flowers: Signifying purity and innocence, white funeral flowers are commonly associated with both weddings and funerals. While all-white sprays can be a bit bleak, white mixed in with more colorful blossoms (especially blue or purple) can send a calming, comforting message of sympathy.
  • Black Funeral Flowers: Try not to go overboard by selecting black flowers. While a few buds can be used to decorate a floral display, it is better to go for cheer or serenity than gloom.

Mixed bouquets are also popular to send as funeral flowers. Because so many different types of flowers come in different shades, ask a florist for advice on how to send the perfect message of comfort while also adding a touch of color.

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