Everything You Need to Know about Funeral Costs
When it comes to questions about funeral planning, almost everyone wants to know more about money. How much does it cost to have a funeral? How can I cut back and save money on funeral plans? What is the cheapest burial option?
Although funeral prices will always vary depending on location and the type of ceremony you choose, most funeral homes follow a similarly prescribed format. Here are some of our best questions-and-answers regarding money, funerals, and how to get the most out of both.
Funeral Pricing Information
- Why do funerals cost so much? Contrary to popular belief, it’s not that funeral homes are taking advantage of consumers—it’s all the hard work and red tape that goes into the process.
- If you want more information on pricing, our most comprehensive funeral cost guide breaks a funeral down into each of its parts, allowing you a glimpse at where you can expect your money to go.
- Our funeral cost calculator allows you to get a more personalized estimate for your situation.
- Like many kinds of large purchases, it’s not the big-ticket item that costs the most, but the small add-ons. Here are a few hidden funeral costs you should be aware of.
Getting Help with Funeral Costs
- How do most people pay for funerals? The answer might surprise you.
- There are times when there simply is no way you can cover funeral costs on your own. Here are a few options for what you can do if you have no funds and need to take care of a loved one’s remains or need to pay for a funeral on your own.
- Funeral loans are another option if you failed to take advance funeral pre-planning steps. Follow us here for the pros and cons of taking out a funeral loan.
- Sometimes, getting help from the community can cut back on your overall funeral costs.
- You can also consider a green funeral or burial as a way to save money while also helping give back to the environment.
Additional Funeral Cost Issues
- Once the funeral is over and all the bills have been paid, are there any more financial advantages? Here’s some insight on whether or not funeral expenses are tax deductible.
Paying for a funeral doesn’t have to be a hassle. Although there will always be some financial strain associated with burial (unless the deceased handled everything in advance), there are options available that allow you to save money and still hold a funeral that honors and respects the deceased.
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