Funeral Planning: Funeral Apps

Funeral Planning: Funeral Apps
These days, there is an iPhone or smartphone app for just about everything—and funeral planning is no exception. Among the games, exercise, weight loss guides, and restaurant apps, you can also take a few minutes (and spend a few dollars) on various applications that help you plan your funeral—and all at the tap of the screen.
Why Plan Ahead?
The concept behind mobile funeral planning is not as farfetched as it might seem. Although traditional funeral plans will find you sitting down with your estate attorney or a funeral director to determine the best course of action, few people are willing to expend the time and effort needed to plan a funeral from start to finish. That’s why many companies are offering online funeral planning options. You can spend just a few minutes a day putting your wishes and requests into writing—and make that information instantly available via a virtual platform.
Because so many people are now accessing online information on the go, the next logical step is to make this process available as an app. After all, our phones have become our lifelines—and they are one of the first items to be handed over to the next of kin in the event of a sudden death.
What Does a Funeral Planning App Do?
Funeral planning apps are unlike traditional funeral pre-plans in that you aren’t setting aside money or pre-purchasing a plot of land or funeral insurance. Instead, you are merely outlining your wishes and providing contact information to those who are responsible for planning your funeral after you pass on. Some of the information included in the app:
- Religious denomination
- Preferred funeral home (or the funeral home where arrangements have already been made)
- Burial/cremation/other preferences
- Music choices
- Funeral details (including transportation, caskets, and clothing preferences)
- Funeral flower choices
- Donations and/or other considerations
- Next of kin
- Will/estate planning/financial information
This information can then be sent to family members and friends who may need access, or it can be stored for your own use. You can also list next-of-kin contacts for anyone who finds your phone at the scene of an accident.
Plan Ahead in Any Format
Funeral planning with an app might still be a new concept to most users, but it is never a bad idea to start thinking about what you’d like to have done to your remains when you die. If you are like most people and rely on your phone to communicate and get your work done, you may want to look at a funeral planning app as a way to start the funeral conversation and make your intentions known.