Inexpensive Urn Ideas
For some people, cremation is an eco-friendly alternative to burial that gives you more choice when it comes to memorializing your loved one. Instead of being tied to a gravesite, you can (literally) carry your deceased relatives wherever you go, and often in an elegant urn that can be placed on a mantle or otherwise displayed in your home.
For others, cremation is more about cost-effectiveness. At a time when the average funeral can set a family back upwards of $10,000, cremation is a dignified and respectful way to say goodbye while also keeping down on funeral costs.
Even better – urns come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, which means you have plenty of choice when it comes to personalizing and memorializing your loved one. If you are looking for affordable and inexpensive urn ideas, here are a few of the options available to you.
Traditional Metals: Most of the time, urns come in pewter, stainless steel, copper, or any other metal that has a nice finish and is not especially heavy or expensive. Although you can find urns in titanium or brass, look for inexpensive options that can be engraved or personalized for a beautiful touch.
Wood and Carvings: Some of the most elegant urns are not metal, but are hand-carved from wood. Like caskets, you can find options in everything from mahogany to cedar, with prices that range from a hundred dollars to several thousand. One popular trend in the wooden urn field is a simple box that not only looks elegant, but can be used as a showpiece. Carved figurines and chest-like boxes are also popular for display.
Marble and Stonework: If it can be used to make a headstone, then it can also be used to make an urn. Marble, granite, limestone, and even mother-of-pearl have all been used to create beautiful urns. These tend to be more expensive (and heavier) than other materials, however, so you may want to shop for a stone finish or veneer rather than full stonework.
Paper, Cardboard, and Other Biodegradable Options: It might sound strange to keep a loved one’s ashes in a paper or cardboard box, but these are incredibly popular when you want to scatter the remains of a loved one. These urns can be planted, put out to sea, placed in a river, or scattered on the wind—and because the materials will break down in the natural environment, you don’t have to worry about contamination. (Always be sure to research legal regulations ahead of time, and follow all guidelines for travel before you go anywhere with human remains.)
Pottery or Ceramic: Pottery also makes for a beautiful cremation urn, especially if you want it personalized. In fact, if you have skills in this area (or in any related craft), you can make or paint the urn on your own. There is no better way to personalize the urn while also working through your own grief.
One of the best things about cremation urns is that there are few restrictions. As long as the remains are properly sealed, any elegant piece you would like to use to display a loved one’s ashes is perfectly acceptable.
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