Funeral services and memorial services are almost always overseen by a member of the clergy or other religious leader. Because so much about death has to do with spiritual customs and religious traditions, it is comforting to have someone who is able to not only hold the service in accordance with your beliefs, but who can also provide the spiritual guidance you need during this difficult time. (more…)
Posts Tagged ‘Funeral Planning’
Hiring Clergy or a Celebrant for a Funeral
Monday, February 15th, 2016Different Types of Cemeteries
Wednesday, February 3rd, 2016Most of us assume that all cemeteries are virtually the same—after all, a piece of land where a body is laid to rest is a piece of land where a body is laid to rest, right?
While it’s true that most cemeteries perform the same general purpose to society, they tend to take different approaches to how this is accomplished. Some are religious, some are secular, some are run by the government, and some are closed to all but families with previously purchased burial plots. Depending on what type of cemetery you’re looking at, you could encounter any of the following types. (more…)
When is the Best Time to Scatter Ashes?
Thursday, January 28th, 2016One of the primary benefits of cremation is that you don’t have to hold a memorial service right away. With cremated remains, you can take days, weeks, months, or even years to get everyone together to hold a scattering ceremony. This kind of flexibility is important in our modern society, when families are spread out over the globe and can’t always rearrange their plans to travel to a funeral. (more…)
How to Set a Funeral Budget
Wednesday, January 27th, 2016Before you sit down with a funeral director to go over all your options for a loved one’s funeral plans, it’s a good idea to figure out how much money you’re willing to spend. Although the average funeral can go as high as $10,000, you aren’t required to spend this much—nor will you have to. With the right planning, you should be able to find a budget you’re comfortable with and buy a respectful, beautiful service to go with it. (more…)
How to Tell Your Loved Ones You’d Like to Be Cremated
Tuesday, January 5th, 2016Even though over 40 percent of Americans opt for cremation over burial, there are still many different kinds of religious, cultural, and personal taboos that make cremation a difficult decision. This is especially true if your family has traditional views regarding funeral planning or has a long history of burial in a particular cemetery.
If you’ve decided on cremation but aren’t quite sure how to tell your family, we suggest you set aside a time to have this important conversation. It’s never a good idea to leave this sort of thing as a surprise, so the sooner you can open up to those you love, the more time you’ll have to enjoy what’s left of your time together.
Burial Insurance, Part Three: Buying Burial Insurance through a Funeral Home
Friday, December 4th, 2015There are two primary ways to buy burial insurance. The first operates like any other kind of life insurance policy, in which you name a loved one as the beneficiary who receives the payout when you die. The second option allows you to name a funeral home as the beneficiary, in which case they receive the insurance money directly.
This second option may seem a bit strange—after all, a funeral home isn’t your family, and you haven’t worked hard your whole life so they can receive a payout. However, it’s actually a quite common occurrence, and it can work out in your favor. Here’s how. (more…)
Holding a Funeral by Invitation Only
Monday, July 6th, 2015It’s not uncommon for a family to wish to take their grief out of the public eye and hold a private mourning ceremony just for close friends and relatives. Whether the deceased was a public figure, died a newsworthy death, or simply wished for the funeral to be kept small, you can hold a funeral or memorial service by invitation only. Most of the funeral plans will stay the same, with one or two notable exceptions.
Obituary: You’ll need to strategize the obituary to make it clear that the funeral is open by invite only. One option is to skip the obituary and death notice altogether. By not publicly announcing the death, you won’t need to worry about those who aren’t invited stopping by. You can also put in an obituary but word it carefully. You can mention that it will be a “closed funeral” and ask for prayers instead of flowers or visits. (more…)
Selling a Burial Plot Online
Friday, June 26th, 2015If you pre-purchase a burial plot at a cemetery, you aren’t necessarily tied to that space for the rest of your life (and afterlife). Most cemetery plot contracts allow for you to sell the plot either back to the cemetery or to a third-party buyer in the event that you move away, get divorced from a spouse or partner who is also part of the plot, decide to be cremated, or undergo any other change of heart.
Of course, like any real estate transaction (and no matter how irreverent it may seem, a cemetery plot is a piece of real estate with a deed and everything), finding a buyer can be difficult. Because you may want to cast a wide net in order to get the most money, here are a few online place where you can post a plot for sale. (more…)
Funeral Planning Questions
Tuesday, May 5th, 2015
As you move through the process of planning a funeral and laying your loved one to rest, you’ll be asked quite a few questions about your wishes and the wishes of the deceased. To avoid decision burnout and falling into the trap of paying for more than you need, it’s best to go to the funeral home with a few choices already in place.
That’s why we recommend you sit down with your family and ask yourselves these funeral planning questions before you head into the visit with your funeral director. Discussion questions for the family meeting include:
What is the budget for the funeral? Know your maximum price tag before you make any other decisions. Your budget will determine what your options are and what kind of choices are available to you. (more…)
What Do Crematoriums/Funeral Homes do with Prosthetics?
Saturday, January 3rd, 2015During funeral planning, one of the things most families already know is that they’ll need to have devices like pacemakers removed before a loved one can be cremated. Any medical device with an electronic component (pacemakers, internal cardiac defibrillators, etc.) has the potential to explode when in contact with the high heat associated with cremation.