Orr Wm R Funeral Dir in Hoopeston

741 E Main St Hoopeston, IL 60942
(217) 283-5004

About Orr Wm R Funeral Dir

The caring burial directors at Orr Wm R Funeral Dir provide specialised funeral services designed to satisfy the needs of each family. The funeral director will certainly guide you through all aspects of the program; including funeral flowers, casket choices, appropriate music selection, and local accommodations. The professional, dedicated staff can assist you in making burial service arrangements, funeral preparation, and assist you through cremation choices. Trust is certainly their top concern and so they specialize in tradition funerals, simple cremation, grief support, urn selection, and military memorial service services which includes offering veteran burial flags.

Services offered by Orr Wm R Funeral Dir

Contact them today using the information provided above. If you are thinking about sending sympathy flowers to a family who has a loved one here}, you can send out funeral blossoms to Orr Wm R Funeral Dir right now. The florists near Orr Wm R Funeral Dir experience a wonderful and diverse variety of wreaths, bouquets, and baskets to help exhibit your empathy for the family.

This location has proudly served the neighborhood with exceptional care for years and can help guide your family through funeral service etiquette, individualize your memorial, funeral costs, directions to cemeteries, guestbook, online obituary creation, and telling your life story. For anyone who is interested in preplanning your memorial service, you can be sure your legacy will be sheltered and that you can have peace of mind.

Located in Hoopeston, Illinois and 2.5 miles from down-town Hoopeston, this business is in Vermilion County and will serve the surrounding areas of: Fowler, Clarence, Marshfield, Pence, Central Park, Hegeler, Danville, and Belgium.

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Orr Wm R Funrl Dir - CLOSED - Hoopeston, IL
Category: Funeral Services & Cemeteries. 741 E Main St Hoopeston, IL 60942 (217) 283-5004

Hoopeston Funeral Homes and funeral services in Illinois
Orr Wm R Funeral Dir 741 E Main St Hoopeston, IL 60942 Phone Number Send flowers Express your sympathy by sending flowers to the funeral home, family residence or other location.

Kentucky Funeral Homes, Funeral Providers, KY, Funeral Services ...
Directory of all Funeral Homes in Kentucky. ... Milner & Orr Funeral Homes Inc Walnut St Arlington Kentucky 42021. Phone: (270) 655-6990 .... Boston Funeral Home-William R Rust 12783 Boston Road Boston Kentucky 40107 ...

Possible Jones
The child was interred in Brock Cemetery, casket paid by William Orr, order for burial given by ... Pallbearers were Phil Harris, Snooks Smith, W. R. Barton, Conyer Rawls, ... director of the funeral home that arranged Maud's funeral. ...

Articles about William Orr - Orlando Sentinel
William Orr News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about ... Eulis Orr, Jr., Chicago; two grandchildren. Brevard Funeral Home North. ... son of William B. Orr Sr., Fairview Park, Ohio, and Anne R. Orr, Orlando. ...

Hoopeston Funeral Homes and funeral services in Illinois
Listing all funeral homes in Hoopeston, Illinois so you can easily send flowers to any location (same day delivery) or find any funeral service.

Orr Wm R Funeral Dir Hoopeston, Illinois | iMortuary.com
Listing for Orr Wm R Funeral Dir in Hoopeston, Illinois, which deals with funerals and cremation.

Orr Wm R Funeral Dir Obituaries

No Orr Wm R Funeral Dir Obits are listed at this time but if you need to send memorial flowers or funeral flowers, you can do so by clicking this link.


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