We are 5th generation boutique professional funeral directors of distinction serving the DC Metropolitan region with hallowed distinction. We offer compassion, tradition and elegance within all fiscal budgets.
Funeral Homes in Washington, DC
Below you fill find all funeral homes and cemeteries in or near Washington.
Suburbs of Washington: Washington Na, Pentagon, PNC Financial, Dept of Transportation, Fort McNair, G E I C O, Immig and Naturalization Ser, Natl Repub Cong Comm, White House Ofc Staff, Action, Adm Office Us Court, Adv Comm Inter Govt Relation, Amer Assc Retired Persons, Anacostia, Anacostia Anx, Armed Forces Inaugural Com, Armed Forces Inst Pathology, Arms Control and Disarm Agy, Army Criminal Invest, Bank of America, Blue Cross Group Hosp, Bolling AFB, Bolling... Read more
Since our inception some twenty years ago, The Austin Royster Funeral Home has provided Professional Service with Compassionate Care to thousands of families in and around the Washington metropolitan area. Our service offerings span the spectrum...
Arehart-Echols Funeral Home, P.A. is a family owned and operated funeral service located conveniently in downtown La Plata serving all of Charles County and surrounding areas for 5 generations that is dedicated to helping families of all...
The company known today as Rausch Funeral Home, P.A. began in 1974 when John O. Rausch and his wife Myrtle purchased, expanded and built their home onto the Buchanan Funeral Home located on Mt. Harmony Lane in Owings, MD. This newly constructed...
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Places continued
Suburbs of Washington: rce Bas, BRM, Broadcasting Bd of Governors, Bur Medicine Surgery, Bureau Engav and Printing, Bureau Labor Statistics, Bureau Narc and Dngr Drugs, Bureau Narc Dngr Drugs Lab, Bureau of Census, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Mines, Bureau of Prisons, Bureau of Public Debt, Business Reply, Catholic Univ, Central Intelligence Agency, Chief Naval Operation, Civil Aeronautics Board, Comm Equal Oppor Armed Forc, Comm on Civil Rights, Comm Tech Uses Copyrights, Commodity Futures Trade, Comptroller of Currency, Consumer Product Safety Comm, Court of Military Appeals, Criterion Ins Co, Defense Intelligence, Department of State, Department State Intrntl Div, Dept Agric Off Outside Hq, Dept Air Force Pentagon, Dept Labor Payroll Audit Div, Dept Navy Fed Credit Union, Dept Navy Hq Marines Arl, Dept Navy Other Offices, Dept of Agriculture, Dept of Army Pentagon, Dept of Commerce, Dept of Commerce Outside Hq, Dept of Energy, Dept of Homeland Security, Dept of Interior, Dept of Justice, Dept of Labor, Dept of Labor Manpower Admn, Dept Treas Check Claims Div, Dept Treas Other Offices, Dir National Intelligence, District Director Irs, Dulles International Airp, Envir Protect Agency, Equal Emp Opportunity Comm, Exec Office Other Organ, Export Import Bank, Family Support Administratio, Farm Credit Admin, FBI, FBI Identification Unit, Fed Communications Comm, Fed Emer Mngt Agency, Fed Labor Relations Auth, Fed Mediation and Concil Ser, Fed Records Center, Federal Aviation Agency, Federal Deposit Ins Corp, Federal Election Comm, Federal Energy Reg Comm, Federal Maritime Commission, Federal Reserve Board, Federal Trade Comm, FHA Comptroller, Food and Drug Admin, Foreign Claims Settlement, Fort Lesley J McNair, Friendship Heights, Ft L J McNair, G W Univ, Gen Services Admin, General Accounting Office, General Delivery, Geological Survey, Georgetown Univ, Govt Printing Office, GPO Field Serv Div, GPO Procurement Div, GPO Supt of Documents, GSA Consumer Products Info, GSA Crystal City, GSA Region 3, GSA Surplus Sales, GSA-TCS, Hew Food and Drug Admin, Housing and Urban Dev, Housing Assistance Adm, Howard Univ, Howard University Hospital, Hud Fed Housing Adm, Hud Fed Natl Mortgage, Immig and Natural Records, Int Group Plans Inc, Inter Amer Defense Board, Inter American Dev Bank, Internal Revenue Service, International Joint Comm, International Monetary Fund, International Trade Comm, John F Kennedy Center, Joint Staff, Labor Management Admin, Law Enforce Assist Adm, Lib of Congress Licensing, Library of Congress, Library of Congress Card Div, Library of Congress Handicap, Mafic, Marine Barrks, Marriott Corp, Merit Systems Protection Bd, Military Sealift Command, National Academy of Science, National Credit Union Admin, National Gallery of Art, National Imaging and Mapping, National Mediation Board, National Park Service, National Security Counsel, National Selective Service, Natl Aero and Space Admin, Natl Archives and Records, Natl Capitol Planning, Natl Comm on Social Sec, Natl Institute of Educ, Natl Labor Relations Board, Natl Trans Safety Board, Naval Intelligence Com, Naval Intelligence Support C, Naval Investigative Service, Naval Research Laboratory, Naval Sea Sys, Naval Sea Systems Command, Naval Station Anacostia, Naval Telecommunications Com, Navy Annex, Navy Observatory, Navy Security Group, Navy Yard, Nuclear Regulatory Comm, Office of Mgmt and Budget, Office of Thrift Supervision, Office of Workers Comp, Office Personnel Mgmt, Oversea Pvt Inves Corp, P E P C O, Passport Office, Peace Corps, Pepco, Philatelic Sales, Philatelic Sales Division, Postal Rate Comm, Pre Inaugural Committee, Presidential Transition Team, Readasorus, Resolution Trust Corporation, Resolutn Trust Oversight Brd, Securities and Exchange Comm, Shared Brm, Small Business Admin, Smithsonian Institute, Soc Sec Bureau Hearing App, Social Security, Soldiers Airmens Home, State Department, Sun Trust Bank Inc, Surface Transportation Board, Tennessee Valley Auth, U S Chamber of Com, U S Trade Representative, United States Senate, Universal Postal Union Congr, US Army Corp of Engineers, Us Bureau of Customs, US Citizenship Immigration, Us Coast Guard, Us Copyright Office, Us Court Appeal Fed Circuit, US Department of Treasury, US Dept of Education, US Dept of Hlth Human Serv, US Dept of Labor Stats, Us Holocaust Memorial Museum, Us House of Representatives, Us Information Agency, Us Marine Corps Barracks, US Secret Service, US Social Securtiy Admin, Us Supreme Court, Us Synthetic Fuel Corp, Us Tax Court, Us Treasurer, USPS Consumer Affairs, USPS Headquarters, Verizon, Veterans Admin, Veterans Benefits Office, Veterans Hospital, Vietnam Vet Mem Fund, Wachovia, Walter Reed Army Med Center, Wash, Wash Gas, Wash Intell Bureau Inc, Washing, Washingtn, Washington DC Post Office, Washington Gas, Washington Intel Bur, Washington Post, White House Ofc of Vice Pres, Woodward and Lothrop, World Bank.
Zip codes in the city: 20001, 20002, 20003, 20004, 20005, 20006, 20007, 20008, 20009, 20010, 20011, 20012, 20013, 20015, 20016, 20017, 20018, 20019, 20020, 20022, 20023, 20024, 20026, 20027, 20029, 20030, 20032, 20033, 20035, 20036, 20037, 20038, 20039, 20040, 20041, 20042, 20043, 20044, 20045, 20046, 20047, 20049, 20050, 20051, 20052, 20053, 20055, 20056, 20057, 20058, 20059, 20060, 20061, 20062, 20063, 20064, 20065, 20066, 20067, 20068, 20069, 20070, 20071, 20073, 20074, 20075, 20076, 20077, 20078, 20080, 20081, 20082, 20088, 20090, 20091, 20097, 20098, 20201, 20202, 20203, 20204, 20206, 20207, 20208, 20210, 20211, 20212, 20213, 20214, 20215, 20216, 20217, 20218, 20219, 20220, 20221, 20222, 20223, 20224, 20226, 20227, 20228, 20229, 20230, 20232, 20233, 20235, 20237, 20238, 20239, 20240, 20241, 20242, 20244, 20245, 20250, 20251, 20254, 20260, 20261, 20262, 20265, 20266, 20268, 20270, 20277, 20289, 20299, 20301, 20303, 20306, 20307, 20310, 20314, 20317, 20318, 20319, 20330, 20340, 20350, 20355, 20370, 20372, 20373, 20374, 20375, 20376, 20380, 20388, 20389, 20390, 20391, 20392, 20393, 20394, 20395, 20398, 20401, 20402, 20403, 20404, 20405, 20406, 20407, 20408, 20409, 20410, 20411, 20412, 20413, 20414, 20415, 20416, 20418, 20419, 20420, 20421, 20422, 20423, 20424, 20425, 20426, 20427, 20428, 20429, 20431, 20433, 20434, 20435, 20436, 20437, 20439, 20440, 20441, 20442, 20444, 20447, 20451, 20453, 20456, 20460, 20463, 20468, 20469, 20470, 20472, 20500, 20501, 20502, 20503, 20504, 20505, 20506, 20507, 20508, 20509, 20510, 20511, 20515, 20520, 20521, 20522, 20523, 20524, 20525, 20526, 20527, 20528, 20529, 20530, 20531, 20532, 20533, 20534, 20535, 20536, 20537, 20538, 20539, 20540, 20541, 20542, 20543, 20544, 20546, 20547, 20548, 20549, 20551, 20552, 20553, 20554, 20555, 20557, 20558, 20559, 20560, 20565, 20566, 20570, 20571, 20572, 20573, 20575, 20576, 20577, 20578, 20579, 20580, 20581, 20585, 20586, 20590, 20591, 20593, 20594, 20597, 20599.
District of Columbia County funeral flowers can be purchased from one of the local funeral shops we partner with.
There are currently 62 funeral options for this city.
Facts about the city
Washington Obituaries
It was disclosed by Washington Post (DC) on May 19th, 2022 that Henri Michael Bee passed on in Maryland. Bee was 72 years old and was born in Washington, DC. Send flowers to share your condolences and honor Henri Michael's life.
It was revealed by Washington Post (Mon-Sat) on April 28th, 2022 that Reuben Roy Heath died in Washington, District of Columbia. Heath was 88 years old. Send flowers to express your sorrow and honor Reuben Roy's life.
It was written by Washington Post (Mon-Sat) on April 26th, 2022 that Betty Jane miss Diggs perished in Washington, District of Columbia. Diggs was 75 years old. Send flowers to share your condolences and honor Betty Jane miss's life.
It was noted by Washington Post (Mon-Sat) on April 24th, 2022 that Byron Peter Clemons perished in Washington, District of Columbia. Clemons was 58 years old. Send flowers to express your sympathy and honor Byron Peter's life.
It was revealed by Washington Post (Mon-Sat) on April 24th, 2022 that Marlbro L "Sonny" Sharpe passed away in Washington, District of Columbia. Sharpe was 88 years old. Send flowers to express your sorrow and honor Marlbro L "Sonny"'s life.
It was reported by Washington Post (Mon-Sat) on April 23rd, 2022 that John Goodchild Buckley passed on in Washington, District of Columbia. Buckley was 84 years old. Send flowers to express your sympathy and honor John Goodchild's life.
It was written by Washington Post (DC) on April 21st, 2022 that Annie J Foreman perished in Maryland. Foreman was 86 years old and was born in Washington, DC. Send flowers to share your condolences and honor Annie J's life.
It was disclosed by Washington Post (Mon-Sat) on April 20th, 2022 that Diana Lee Dodd (Boss) died in Washington, District of Columbia. Ms. Dodd was 83 years old. Send flowers to share your condolences and honor Diana Lee's life.
It was disclosed by Washington Post (Mon-Sat) on April 18th, 2022 that Steven H Helferd passed away in Washington, District of Columbia. Helferd was 67 years old and was born in Lewes, DE. Send flowers to express your sympathy and honor Steven H's life.
It was written by Washington Post (Mon-Sat) on April 18th, 2022 that Anthony Robinson died in Washington, District of Columbia. Robinson was 67 years old. Send flowers to share your condolences and honor Anthony's life.
Surrounded by famous cemeteries, monuments and memorials, finding a Washington D.C. funeral home to take care of your needs is important. Funeral planning can be made easier by browsing the funeral homes and funeral services listed on iMortuary. We can even help you send funeral flowers to any of the Washington D.C. funeral homes found on our site. Plan your funeral arrangement ahead of time with our Washington D.C. funeral planning tools, just find funeral homes in your area which meet your needs to match with a funeral director. It couldn't be easier to find the perfect funeral home in Washington D.C.
Washington D.C., the nations' capital is not really a state, but a district (District of Columbia) which shares its name with Washington state. Located on the Potomac River on the east coast of the United States, it is the eight largest city in the country. Host to monuments of the nations past and founding, here you can find war memorials, presidential memorials and memorials, as well as present day working buildings along the national mall. Congress, the white house and the national government is centralized here in Washington D.C. It also hosts foreign embassies, non-governmental organizations, the world bank (IMF) and more.
The official website for the city of Washington is https://www.wilmingtonde.gov/.
Gray criticized for missing officer's funeral
WASHINGTON - D.C.'s next mayor has already upset some constituents by missing the funeral for a city police officer Thursday ... The website "We Love DC" reports Gray was having lunch with his council chair replacement, Kwame Brown, at the National Press ...
Washington Weather: Cool Saturday, Milder Sunday
Visit Metromix DC's site for the Complete Schedule ... My wife could have been planning a funeral," Trooper E.D. Brown said. The acting assistant director for the FBI's Washington field office said the suspect may be dealing with a traumatic event such as ...
3 Shot In Northwest DC
WASHINGTON (WUSA) -- Police are investigating a triple shooting ... My wife could have been planning a funeral," Trooper E.D. Brown said.
Robert P. Woodman, 87, of Lakewood, was a storied political activist
Funeral: 10 a.m. Monday at St. Clement Catholic Church, 2022 Lincoln Ave., Lakewood. Contributions: Center for Economic and Social Justice, P.O. Box 40711, Washington, DC 20016, cesj.org, or Alzheimer's Association, P.O. Box. 74924, Cleveland OH 44194-4924 ...
Funeral - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A funeral is a ceremony for celebrating, sanctifying, or remembering the life of a person who has died. Funerary customs comprise the complex of beliefs and ...
Funeral (album) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Funeral is the debut full-length album by Canadian indie rock band Arcade Fire, released on September 14, 2004 in North America by Merge Records and on ...
Washington Funeral Services in Washington DC Yellow Pages by ...
Directory of Washington Funeral Services in DC yellow pages. Find Funeral Services in Washington maps with reviews, websites, phone numbers, addresses, ...
http://www.superpages.com/yellowpages/C-Funeral Services/S-DC/T-Washington/
Bianchi Funeral Service - Washington, DC - Funeral Directors ...
At Bianchi Funeral Service, our mission is to help facilitate meaningful ways for ... Bianchi Funeral Service has provided the Washington, DC metro area with the very best in ...
WASHINGTON, DC Funeral Home Flower Delivery
Need flowers delivered to a funeral home? It's easy to find a WASHINGTON, DC funeral home from this list and call JOHNNIE'S FLORIST INC.
Washington DC Funeral Homes
Washington DC 20011. Phone: (202) 529-5579. Bianchi Funeral Service ... Washington DC 20018. Phone: (202) 269-6220. Butler Funeral Service. 716 Kennedy St Nw ...